Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an application programming interface which defines how a client may access a database. It provides methods to query and update data in a database, and is oriented toward relational databases.

The integration between JDBC and Togai requires only a one-time setup. Follow the steps below:


Create a read-only user

  • Create a read-only user in your database
  • Grant the user access to the tables that you want to sync with Togai
  • Make sure that the user has access to the tables that you want to sync with Togai

Connection URI

Maria DB

The connection URI for Maria DB is as follows:


MS SQL Server

The connection URI for MS SQL Server is as follows:



The connection URI for MySQL DB is as follows:


Oracle DB

The connection URI for Oracle DB is as follows:


SQL Query

All the flows in this integration require a SQL query to fetch the data from the database. The query should be written in such a way that it returns the data in the format that is expected by the Togai API. The query should also be written in such a way that it returns only the data that you want to sync with Togai.


1. Sync customer from Database to Togai

  • Provide the SQL query to fetch the customers from Database:
        <customer_id> AS "id", 
        <customer_name> AS "name", 
        <email> AS "primaryEmail", 
        <address_line_1> AS "addressLine1",
        <address_line_2> AS "addressLine2",
        <city> AS "address_city",
        <state> AS "address_state",
        <country> AS "address_country",
        <currency> AS "currency",
        <phone> AS "phone"
    FROM <table_name> 
    WHERE created_at > '${startTime}' 
    AND created_at < '${endTime}'
  • The flow will be available to be triggered on demand from the Togai dashboard
  • It will execute a SQL query to fetch all the customers from Database
  • It will then create the customers in Togai using the Customers API

2. Sync events from Database to Togai

  • Provide the SQL query to fetch the events from Database:
        <event_id> AS "id", 
        <account_id> AS "accountId", 
        <eventName> AS "schemaName",
        <attributes> AS "attributes",
        <dimensions> AS "dimensions",
        <created_at> AS "timestamp" 
    FROM <table_name> 
    WHERE created_at > '${startTime}' 
    AND created_at < '${endTime}'
  • Make sure that the attributes are JSON array and dimensions columns are of type JSON
  • The flow will be available to be triggered on demand from the Togai dashboard
  • It will execute a SQL query to fetch all the events from Database
  • It will then create the events in Togai using the Events Ingestion API

3. Sync usages from Database to Togai

  • Provide the SQL query to fetch the usages from Database:
        <event_id> AS "id", 
        <account_id> AS "accountId", 
        <usage_count> AS "usage",
        <created_at> AS "timestamp" 
    FROM <table_name> 
    WHERE created_at > '${startTime}' 
    AND created_at < '${endTime}'
  • The flow will be available to be triggered on schedule from the Togai dashboard
  • It will execute a SQL query to fetch all the usages from Database
  • It will then create the usages in Togai using the Events Ingestion API