How reporting works in Togai?
Togai has an extensive reporting capability that allows you to create reports and report templates. These can be used to generate ad hoc one-time reports for download or pushed to an external data source. Customers can also set up scheduled reports that can be auto-generated hourly, daily or monthly and exported or sent to an external data source.
How reports work in Togai
Tables and entities
Field Name | Type | Description | account_id | String | The unique identifier of the account. |
customer_id | String | The unique identifier of the customer. |
name | String | The name of the account. |
created_at | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the account was created. |
invoice_currency | String | The currency of the account. |
primary_email | String | The primary email of the account. |
tags | String[] | The tags of the account. |
Field Name | Type | Description | id | String | The unique identifier of the customer. |
name | String | The name of the customer. |
Field Name | Type | Description | event_id | String | The unique identifier of the event. |
account_id | String | The unique identifier of the account. |
customer_id | String | The unique identifier of the customer. |
event_source_time | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the event occurred. |
ingestion_status | String | The ingestion status of the event. |
Field Name | Type | Description | id | String | The unique identifier of the invoice. |
owner_id | String | The unique identifier of the owner. |
total_amount | Number | The total amount of the invoice. |
status | String | The status of the invoice. |
due_date | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the invoice is due. |
class | String | The class of the invoice. |
created_at | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the invoice was created. |
License Entries
Field Name | Type | Description | account_id | String | The unique identifier of the account. |
license_id | String | The unique identifier of the license. |
effective_from | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the license became effective. |
quantity | BigDecimal | The quantity of the license. |
created_at | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the license was created. |
Field Name | Type | Description | account_id | String | The unique identifier of the account. |
customer_id | String | The unique identifier of the customer. |
billable_id | String | The unique identifier of the billable. |
event_time | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the usage event occurred. |
usage_units | String | The usage units of the usage event. |
Field Name | Type | Description | account_id | String | The unique identifier of the account. |
customer_id | String | The unique identifier of the customer. |
revenue_time | LocalDateTime | The date and time when the revenue occurred. |
revenue_invoice_currency | String | The currency of the revenue. |
billable_id | String | The unique identifier of the billable. |
revenue_base_currency | String | The base currency of the revenue. |
Supported functions
Supported aggregations
Supported relative operators
Report templates
Togai also provides an on-demand reporting template option which can be used to create a custom dashboard with various drag & drop widgets that can be used for business analytics to take data driven decisions around pricing.
Report templates and dashboard