Acquiring token

You can refer to this page for generating the token.

Or alternatively you can refer this page if you have already created a contact for the specified customer.


We support internationalization for static texts, number formatting, date formatting and currency formatting inside the widgets. The content from the api wont be translated and its the user’s responsibility to take care of i18n for all the texts that you pass via props. Per language translations would only be part of your app bundle if you imports it explicitly and hence support tree shaking. The default language is 'en-US'. For now only ptBR translations are supported and more languages would be added on deman.

Sample usage

import ptBRtranslation 'togai-ui-widgets/locale/pt-BR'

// if no language and translation is mentioned, it fallback to en-US.


Limitations with React

The current stable React version 18.x.x doesnt have complete support for web components, though its been fixed in the upcoming major release.

So to work around this, props are combined into a single object and passed as stringified json through special stringify function exported from the package irrespective of the framework used.

import { jsonStringify } from "togai-ui-widgets/dist/packages/utils";
<togai-credits props={jsonStringify(props)} />;