- Authentication
- Customers
- Accounts
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- Event Schemas
- Usage Meters
- AddOns
- Licenses
- Feature
- (Deprecated) Price Plans
- Price Plan V2
- GETList price plans
- POSTCreate a price plan
- GETGet a price plan
- PATCHUpdate a price plan
- DELDiscard a price plan
- POSTFinalize a price plan
- GETList rate cards of a price plan
- POSTBulk rate card operations of a price plan
- GETList pricing rules of a price plan
- PUTUpdate pricing rules of a price plan
- GETGet list of errors of a price plan
- GETList price plan versions
- POSTCreate a price plan v2 migration
- Settings
- Price Experimentation
- Jobs
- Event Ingestion
- Entitlements
- Event Management
- Metrics
- Credits
- Invoices
- Payments
- Wallet
- InvoiceGroups
- Alerts
- Reports
Update pricing rules of a price plan
Update pricing rules of a price plan
curl --request PUT \
--url{price_plan_id}/pricing_rules \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"pricingRules": [
"name": "<string>",
"order": 123,
"invoiceTiming": "IN_ADVANCE",
"condition": "<string>",
"computation": "<string>",
"action": {
"type": "ADD",
"target": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"metadata": {}
"data": [
"id": "um.1zYnCiM9Bpg.lv25y",
"name": "Rule 1",
"version": 1,
"order": 1,
"computation": "{\"+\": [{\"var\": \"\"}, {\"var\": \"\"}]}\n",
"condition": "{\">\": [{\"+\": [{\"var\": \"\"}, {\"var\": \"\"}]}, 100]}\n",
"action": {
"type": "UPDATE",
"target": "revenue.ff.addon.21ERXMFJ83s.9EM5S"
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
Name of the pricing rule
Order of the pricing rule
JSON logic to be computed
If IN_ADVANCE, the rule will be applied on rate cards with invoice timing IN_ADVANCE . If IN_ARREARS, the rule will be applied on rate cards with invoice timing IN_ARREARS .
JSON logic condition deciding whether to compute this pricing rule or not
Represents pricing rules of a price plan. i.e, price plan bound by time.
x >= 1
x >= 1
JSON logic to be computed
If IN_ADVANCE, the rule will be applied on rate cards with invoice timing IN_ADVANCE . If IN_ARREARS, the rule will be applied on rate cards with invoice timing IN_ARREARS .
JSON logic condition deciding whether to compute this pricing rule or not
curl --request PUT \
--url{price_plan_id}/pricing_rules \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"pricingRules": [
"name": "<string>",
"order": 123,
"invoiceTiming": "IN_ADVANCE",
"condition": "<string>",
"computation": "<string>",
"action": {
"type": "ADD",
"target": "<string>",
"id": "<string>",
"description": "<string>",
"metadata": {}
"data": [
"id": "um.1zYnCiM9Bpg.lv25y",
"name": "Rule 1",
"version": 1,
"order": 1,
"computation": "{\"+\": [{\"var\": \"\"}, {\"var\": \"\"}]}\n",
"condition": "{\">\": [{\"+\": [{\"var\": \"\"}, {\"var\": \"\"}]}, 100]}\n",
"action": {
"type": "UPDATE",
"target": "revenue.ff.addon.21ERXMFJ83s.9EM5S"